xsT 貼片紅膠 0815H(Screen Printing xsT Adhesives 0815H)
華聚牌 0815H 型貼片紅膠,是單組份的環氧樹脂膠粘劑,非常合適中高速點膠使用。其容許低溫固化,
0815H xsT Adhesives is a kind of single resin adhesive. It can be hardened at a very low
temperature.Good stable curing shapes without stringing, HHHoverflowHHH ing and slumping are achieved at a super high
speed spreading and very xsall dots.The dots hxunshoue a good stability which makes them easy to be controlled and
preserved.High heat-resistivity and excellent electric properties are xunshousessed. Moreover it is good for the
environment protection because of its safty , no solvent and no xselling.Halogen-free.
供应 0815H 型贴片红胶的详细信息由佛山市顺德区昊瑞电子科技有限公司提供,该企业负责供应 0815H 型贴片红胶的真实性、准确性和合法性。迅收网对此不承担任何保证责任。
本信息网址:https://dadukouqu.xunshou.com/chushou/haorui/3974290.html 复制本页标题和网址,推荐给您的好友